A successful reunion, attended by approximately 90 past pupils of Gelvin (Galvin) school, was held on a very wet day in July 1997 some thirty years after the school ceased to function as a seat of learning. An account of this unique occasion was recorded in issue No27 of the Benbradagh magazine (an annual production detailing stories and events of current and historical interest in the Dungiven area). The writer’s account described the state of the building as follows ‘’sadly the school has fallen into disrepair, standing in the lonely graveyard that held such fascination for us as children’’. Despite the craic and party atmosphere dismay was expressed by all in attendance at the advanced state of decay of the building most especially the roof and floor structures.
Following this get together a formal meeting of people from the area was held in the Pot Bar on Monday 10th November 1997 and was attended by 24 locals many of whom had been past pupils of the school. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the general deterioration of the building and the adjoining graveyard and what steps, if any, might be taken to address the problems. Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed to form a committee tasked with exploring how best to approach the problems and deal with the various obstacles which were likely to be encountered along the way.
Gelvin Community Association was therefore born on Monday 10th November 1997 and has been alive and well ever since. Over the next period of time we hope to record the events and happenings of the past 12 years and keep you updated on current and future events.
We are cross community with membership representative of all sections of the local area. The area covered is entirely rural and extends to 18 townlands in the Limavady Borough Council area and has its base at Gelvin (Galvin) old School Legavallon Road Dungiven approximately 4 miles from Dungiven on the main road to Garvagh and Coleraine. We have been accepted as a charity by HM Revenue and Customs No XT10555.
We now engage in providing social, educational and recreational activities chiefly to those over age 18. We take a keen interest in the heritage of the area and in the past have undertaken restorative work to local places of historical interest. An ambitious project recording the history of local abandoned dwellings is currently under way and involves a good number of local dwellers. We are assisted in this project by Causeway Museum Service.
First Office Bearers of Gelvin Community Association
Chairman............................................... Havid Hynds
Vice Chairman....................................... Aidan Rafferty
Secretary.............................................. Eugene McCloskey
Assistant Secretary............................... Helen Farrell
Treasurer.............................................. Patsy McNicholl
Assistant Treasurer............................... David Cartwright
Committee Members
Sean Canning; Henry Forsythe; Declan McNicholl; Gerard Mullan; Robert Boyle.
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